
Chimi: (Golden Albino

Chimi is often loosing limbs to other gluttonous tank members and growing them back. He doesn't understand why it's always him being eaten, but he has come to the conclusion that because he is "golden" it means his arms and legs tastes like five star restaurant morsels. After licking his hand, he decided that he doesn't get what all the hype is about, as his pallet concluded that his top quality entrées are in desperate need of salt; contrary to his previous logic.

Kip: (Blue)

Kip's full name is Kipperton Smilesaloticus III. He believes that he is Greek due to his surname, when in fact it is just the result of a 10 year old trying to think of a Latin sounding name for "the smiling lizard thing". Not only is Kip a misidentified ambystoma mexicanum, he is often called black or gray even thought his correct coloration is blue. He often eats Chimi, his BTM (Best Tank Mate) because his five star tasting tank mate tastes like his favorite restaurant, Chipotle. 

Nacho (Leucistic)

Nacho is very unaware of what goes on in the tank. Not only because he does not speak English, but would rather cook delicious Mexican food for all of his lady friends. Kip and Chimi's feelings towards Nacho are very divided. They think his hat is very cool, and believe that his hat is the source of his power, but on the other hand are very jealous because all of the girls like him better, even though none of them speak a word of Spanish. While some may call him a stereotypical Mexican, Nacho however, is much too pale.

Dill: (Wild)

Dill is known for his urge to eat the other tank mates limbs. He isn't the most intelligent 'lotl in the tank. He is often called a pickle for obvious reasons.

E.T: (GFP)
As you can see, E.T is a little different. He was injected as an egg so now he glows in the dark. unfortunatly, when he was added to the tank, no one bothered to catch his real name. He is out of this world, and was appropriately nicknamed E.T.

as more characters come into the comic, more character profiles will be added